questions and answers

How does the process of evidence disclosure and mediation take place?

The judge shall hold a hearing on the examination, handover, access to, and disclosure of evidence, as well as to conduct mediation between the parties.

Before conducting the meeting, the judge shall notify the parties, their lawful representatives and defense counsel of the time, location, and content of the meeting.

In a case involving multiple parties, if one of them is absent from the meeting, but the parties present at the hearing agree to proceed with the meeting and such proceeding does not affect the rights and obligations of the absent party, the judge shall hold the meeting with the parties present. If the parties request the postponement of the meeting so that all parties can attend, the judge shall postpone it.

Should a civil case be prohibited from mediation or cannot be mediated, the Judge will conduct a hearing on the examination, handover, access, and disclosure of evidence without mediation.

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