questions and answers

How much are the advance court fees for each type of case?

The first-instance advance court fees in civil cases without a fixed value is the same amount as first-instance advance court fees in cases without a fixed value. The first-instance advance court fee in civil cases with a fixed value is the equivalent to 50% of the first-instance advance court fee in cases with a fixed value which the Court estimates based on the value of the disputed property.  However, the advance court fee must not be less than the first-instance advance court fee in civil cases without a fixed value.

The appellate advance court fee in civil cases shall be equivalent to the appellate Court fee level.

For civil, marriage and family, business, commercial, and labor cases settled under summary procedure, the advance court fee is equivalent to 50% of the abovementioned advance court fee.

Court fees shall depend on the type of dispute, which include civil suits, marriage/family, labor, business, and commercial cases. Accordingly, the court fee is prescribed in Resolution No. 326/2016/UBTVQH14 on the rates of collection, exemptions, reductions, collection, payment, as well as management and use of the Court fees and charges.

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