questions and answers

What are the responsibilities of an employer in utilizing outsourced employees?

The employer utilizing outsourced employees shall have the following responsibilities:

(i) To inform and guide the outsourced employee to understand its internal labor regulations and other regulations.

(ii) Not to discriminate between the outsourced employees and its own employees regarding working conditions.

(iii) To negotiate with the outsourced employee on working at night or overtime as prescribed in the 2019 Labor Code.

(iv) To negotiate with the outsourced employee and the outsourcer in order to officially employ the outsourced employee if the labor contract between the outsourced employee and the outsourcer has not yet expired.

(v) To return to the outsourcer the outsourced employees who fail to meet the requirements as agreed upon or who have violated labor discipline.

(vi) To provide evidence of the outsourced employee’s violation of labor discipline to the outsourcer for consideration of disciplinary actions.

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