questions and answers

In which cases shall the labor contract be suspended?

The labor contract shall be suspended in the following cases:

(i) The employee is required to perform military service or perform the obligation of joining the militia and self-defense forces;

(ii) The employee is held in custody or temporary detention in accordance with the law on criminal procedure;

(iii) The employee is required to comply with a decision regarding consignment to a reformatory center, compulsory drug detoxification center or compulsory education institution;

(iv) Female employees who are pregnant as prescribed in Article 138 of the 2019 Labor Code.

(v) The employee is appointed as the manager of a single-member limited liability company with 100% charter capital held by the State;

(vi) The employee is authorized to exercise the rights and perform the responsibilities of a representative of the state owner of state capital amounts in an enterprise;

(vii) The employee is authorized to exercise the rights and perform the responsibilities of an enterprise with regard to the enterprise’s capital amounts invested in another enterprise;

(viii) Other cases as agreed upon by the two parties.

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