questions and answers

What is the scope of jurisdiction of an appellate trial panel over a first-instance judgment?

An appellate trial panel has the following jurisdiction:

    • To uphold the first-instance judgment.
    • To modify the first-instance judgment.
    • To overturn the first-instance judgment or part of the first-instance judgment and transfer the case file to the first-instance Court for re-trial according to the first-instance procedure.
    • To overturn the first-instance judgment and terminate the case.
    • To terminate the appellate proceedings.
    • To suspend the settlement of the case when the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court makes a proposal for the competent state agency to amend, supplement or cancel a legal normative document showing indications of contravention to the Constitution, a law or a resolution of the National Assembly, an ordinance or a resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee, or a legal normative document of a superior state agency until the competent state agency issues a written response to the Court.

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