questions and answers

Which judgements and decisions are enforceable?

The following judgements and decisions are enforceable:

(i) Judgements and decisions which have taken legal effect including:

    • Judgements and decisions or parts of judgements and decisions of first-instance Courts which have not been appealed or protested pursuant to appellate procedures;
    • Judgements and decisions of appellate Courts;
    • Cassation or reopening of trial decisions by Courts;
    • Civil judgements and decisions of foreign courts, foreign arbitral awards which have been recognized and are permitted to be enforced in Vietnam by Vietnamese courts;
    • Decisions on settlement of competition cases by the Chairperson of the National Competition Committee or the anti-competition settlement Council; decisions on complaints that challenge a competition case-handling decision by the Chairperson of the National Competition Committee or the Council for settlement of complaints concerning anti-competition, that the involved parties were unwilling to enforce or did not file a lawsuit with a court within 15 days from the date on which the decision took effect;
    • Awards and decisions of commercial arbitrations; and
    • Bankruptcy settlement decisions of courts.

(ii) The following judgements and decisions shall be enforced immediately even though they may be subsequently appealed or protested:

    • Judgements and decisions concerning alimony, salary, wages, severance allowance, job-loss allowance, working capacity loss allowance or compensation for loss of life, health or mental harm, and reinstatement of a dismissed employee;
    • Decisions on the application of interim emergency measures.

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