questions and answers

In which cases are petitioners exempt from paying advance court fees?

There are exemptions from paying advance court fees in the following cases:

    • Employees claiming salary, job-loss allowance, severance allowance, social insurance, compensation for occupational accidents and disease; resolving issues regarding damages or illegal dismissal or termination of the labor contract.
    • An individual requesting alimony, requesting identification of parents for a minor or juvenile who has lost the capacity for civil action.
    • The complainants regarding administrative decisions or administrative acts involving the application or enforcement of educational administrative measures in communes, wards, or townships.
    • A person seeking compensation for loss of life, health, honor, dignity, and reputation.
    • Children; individuals from economically disadvantaged households; elderly persons; individuals with disabilities; persons contributing to the revolution; ethnic minorities in communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions; martyrs’ relatives who are granted certificates of martyrs’ families by competent State agencies.

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